The National Drought Management Authority Act (2016) mandates the Authority to exercise overall coordination over all matters relating to drought risk management and to establish mechanisms, either on its own or with stakeholders, that will end drought emergencies in Kenya.
Our Vision
Our Mission
The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) is a State Corporation established by the NDMA Act, 2016. The Act mandates the Authority to exercise overall coordination over all matters relating to drought risk management and to establish mechanisms, either on its own or with stakeholders, that will end drought emergencies in Kenya.
NDMA has operational offices in 23 Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties, which cover over 80% of Kenya’s landmass. The Authority also has satellite offices with limited functions in Ijara, Mwingi and Moyale, where distances from the county offices are long. There are plans to expand to more drought prone counties over the next few years.