NDMA is currently undertaking registration of poor and vulnerable households in Isiolo, Garissa, Samburu, and Tana River counties to bring on board additional beneficiaries under the Hunger Safety Net Programme.
A total of 568,539 households have so far been enumerated across the four counties. At the end of the exercise, the Government will be able to bring on board a further 32,000 households into the routine bimonthly cash transfer bracket.
“We intend to bring on board as many households in arid counties as possible since these counties are most affected by drought. HSNP cash transfers reach about 26% of the population in the programme counties,” said the NDMA CEO Lt Col. Hared Hassan.
The registration exercise in the four counties started in July 2021. In Garissa, 76,160 households had been registered as at June 6, 2022, which is 54% complete, Isiolo has 51,497 households (89% complete), Tana River 59,208, which is 87% complete and Samburu 55,080, which is 84% complete.
“We project to complete this exercise in another four months. Thereafter, we will embark on account opening for the beneficiaries in readiness for disbursements,” the CEO added.
Use of census approach
The data and information collected during the registration of households will feed into the Government Social Registry, information system that supports outreach, intake, registration, and determination of potential eligibility for one or more social programmes. The Social Registry has both a social policy role, as an inclusion system, and an operational role, as an information system. Going forward, social and humanitarian assistance will be based on the social registry. Registration data includes information on;
- Geographic locations of households, especially GPS coordinates.
- Demographic profiles (name, age, gender, ID, education, employment, disability) assets and other information, including pictures of the household.
NDMA takes lead in the development of the Social Registry in eight counties where the Authority implements HSNP. The counties include Marsabit, Turkana, Wajir, Mandera, Garissa, Tana River, Samburu and Isiolo. The other GoK cash transfer programmes under the National Safety Net Programme take lead in the remaining 39 counties.
Registration in the eight counties uses a census approach as determined by the harmonised registration methodology. This approach was adopted since poverty levels in the eight counties are above 70%.