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The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Kenya defines drought contingency planning and response as a systematic process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from droughts.
This process involves identifying potential drought risks, assessing the impact of drought on various sectors, and developing appropriate measures to mitigate the impact of drought on vulnerable populations.
Drought contingency planning also involves the development of early warning systems and contingency plans to guide the response to drought when it occurs.
The response to drought may involve various interventions, such as the provision of water and food relief, the implementation of livestock off-take programs, and the promotion of alternative livelihood strategies.
The ultimate goal of drought contingency planning and response is to reduce the impact of drought on vulnerable populations and enhance their resilience to drought and other climate-related risks.
NDMA is mandated with ;
By focusing on drought contingency planning and response, the NDMA plays a critical role in addressing food insecurity and reducing the impact of drought on vulnerable populations in Kenya.
Specific interventions are necessary in response to the early warning information provided at different stages of the drought cycle. The actions, in combination with preparations made by communities, can significantly reduce drought impacts and safeguard the gains of drought resilience. The Authority;
Mainstreams drought risk reduction and climate adaptation into planning
The Drought Contingency Fund is a mechanism for financing drought risk management interventions, including early warning systems, preparedness measures, and emergency response activities. The NDMA is responsible for the management and administration of the fund, which is financed through various sources, including government allocations, donor funding, and contributions from other stakeholders.
The NDMA ensures that the fund is used in accordance with the approved guidelines and is transparently managed and reported on. The fund is used to support various interventions, such as the provision of water and food relief, the implementation of livestock off-take programs, and the promotion of alternative livelihood strategies.
By operationalizing the Drought Contingency Fund, the NDMA plays a critical role in enhancing preparedness and reducing the impact of drought on vulnerable populations in Kenya.
Facilitates multi-stakeholder contingency planning in each county
The NDMA works with county governments, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders to develop county-specific contingency plans that outline the actions to be taken in response to drought. The contingency plans are developed through a participatory process that involves the identification of key drought risks, the assessment of the impact of drought on various sectors, and the development of appropriate mitigation and response measures.
The NDMA provides technical support and guidance to counties throughout the contingency planning process, including the development of early warning systems and the establishment of emergency response mechanisms. By facilitating multi-stakeholder contingency planning in each county, the NDMA enhances local ownership and coordination of drought risk management interventions, and ensures that the response to drought is timely and appropriate.
Provides contingency finance to counties against their plans
The NDMA works with county governments to develop contingency plans that outline the actions to be taken in response to drought. Once the plans are developed and approved, the NDMA provides contingency finance to the counties based on their needs and the severity of the drought.
The funds are used to support various interventions, such as the provision of water and food relief, the implementation of livestock off-take programs, and the promotion of alternative livelihood strategies. The NDMA ensures that the funds are used in accordance with the approved contingency plans and that they are transparently managed and reported on.
By providing contingency finance to counties against their plans, the NDMA enhances local ownership and coordination of drought risk management interventions, and ensures that the response to drought is timely and appropriate.
Provides guidance and standards for all drought practitioners in Kenya
The NDMA develops and disseminates guidelines and standards on various aspects of drought risk management, including early warning systems, contingency planning, and response mechanisms. These guidelines and standards are developed through a participatory process that involves consultation with various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations.
The NDMA also provides training and capacity-building support to drought practitioners to enhance their knowledge and skills in drought risk management.
By providing guidance and standards for all drought practitioners in Kenya, the NDMA ensures that there is a common understanding and approach to drought risk management, and that the response to drought is coordinated and effective.