Project Overview

The Dryland Climate Action for Community Drought Resilience Programme (DCADR) is a 4-year project co-funded by the European Union and the Government of Kenya. The project is implemented by NDMA in drought-prone arid and semi-arid counties in Kenya.

DCADR builds on the experiences and achievements of European Union support to drought risk management in Kenya since 2007 and to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) since the Authority’s establishment in 2011.

The project budget is €18 Million broken down as follows;

EU Contribution: Euro 13,000,000 (72.2%)

GoK Contribution: Euro 5,000,000 (27.8%)

 Overall Objective (Outcome): To promote greener more inclusive and resilient rural development in Kenya.

Purpose: To enhance resilience to drought and other climate change effects of communities in arid and semi-arid lands.


The DCADR Project focusses on introducing technical innovation and resource mobilisation as core means for scaling the volume and improving the quality of NDMA’s drought recovery, response and preparedness investments. This will contribute to enhancing community resilience to drought and other effects of climate change (specific objective) and in turn contribute towards greener, more inclusive and resilient rural development in Kenya (overall objective).

Under Output 1 and 2, the Project will support NDMA to identify and enter innovative partnerships with private companies, counties, national government institutions, NGOs and similar actors for co-financing and implementation of drought recovery, response and preparedness interventions. It will also enable NDMA to leverage its own response, recovery and preparedness investment resources and hence contribute to scaling of the benefits received by communities in drought-prone areas. The project will also support NDMA to broaden its resource mobilisation base to include new institutional funding sources, including specifically existing and emerging sources of climate funding.

As a cross-cutting consideration, the project will introduce technical innovations to strengthen and mainstream climate considerations and efficiencies across NDMA operations and investments through increased digitalisation, application of green technologies and green growth/climate-relevant economic livelihood improvement interventions.

Under Output 3, the project will support NDMA to institutionalise these innovative approaches and positioning itself as the core drought risk management coordinating Authority in Kenya through adaptation of its internal procedures, systems and capacities. The core functions to be supported include;

  1. Drought Early Warning System
  2. Knowledge management
  3. Policy Advocacy
  4. Resource mobilisation
  5. Coordination of the Ending Drought Emergencies (EDE) common programme framework.

The intervention logic, outputs and activities are summarised in the Project Intervention Logic Matrix.

The project budget is shared among the outputs as follows:

Output 1: Euro 9,761,905 (54%)

Output 2: Euro 4,321,000 (24%)

Output 3: Euro 3,917,095 (22%)

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