2024 Long Rains Food and Nutrition Security Assessment Report

The onset of the March to May seasonal rainfall was normal across several parts of the country, with the Southeastern lowlands (Voi and Kitui) recording an earlier-than-normal onset. A few stations over the Central Rift Valley and Highlands East of the Rift Valley experienced late onset. The western part of the country saw an onset followed by a long dry spell.

Across the country, the rains were 111–200% of the average while some parts of central Kenya and the Rift Valley received rains exceeding 200 % of the average. However, the coastal and Lake Victoria Basin and parts of western Kenya experienced near to below-average rainfall. The coastal region received below-average rainfall, with less than 90% of normal levels.

An assessment of the rainfall recorded from the beginning of March to the end of May2024 indicates that most areas received near to above-average rainfall, except Malindi, Mtwapa, Msabaha, and Mombasa, which recorded below-average rainfall. The highest seasonal rainfall was received at Ndakai-ini rainfall station in Murang’a County, which recorded a total of 1,355.5 mm.

The March to May 2024 rains ceased over several parts of the country, except for the Lake Victoria Basin, the Highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Central and South Rift Valley, the Coastal region, and parts of the Highlands East of the Rift Valley, where rainfall continued into the June-July-August season. Rainfall distribution, both in time and space, was poor in March and characterised by long dry spells for most of the month and isolated storms during the fourth week. However, the distribution was good over most parts of the country in April. In May, the distribution of rainfall over the Highlands West and East of the Rift Valley, including Nairobi, the Lake Victoria Basin, Central, and South Rift Valley, was good, while the northern sector and southeastern lowlands recorded a fair distribution. The coastal region had poor distribution, with only the Lamu station recording above average rainfall.

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